Thursday, December 13, 2012

Everything Eucharisteo

A few weeks ago one of my Instagram friends posted a picture of a book she was going to read.  One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I was intrigued, so I ordered it for myself.  She then decided to do sort of an Instagram book club with it as a few of us joined in.  Little did I know what I'd be getting myself into.

Ann talks about Eucharisteo.  Meaning giving thanks.  We all tend to think about our blessings at least once a year.  Thanksgiving Day.  Maybe even the entire month of November.  I don't want to ruin it by talking about it too much, but let me just say this... My eyes have been opened to so so much.  My heart has been opened to receive the joy that eucharisteo manifests.  I can't put into words the change in me.  The realization of so many things on so many levels.  Never has the breeze blowing making the leaves fall like rain, put me in the very realm of God.  Not until after reading this.  The very presence of God is where I've always enjoyed being, and true thanksgiving will get you there real quick.   I'm so very thankful for Ann and her book, and for my IG friend for posting it.  The way God works never ceases to amaze me.  I'm sure my IG friend had no idea He was using her to send me a message...just in time.


For the last few days Clayton and I have been in Galveston for classes he has to take for work.  I never seem to be able to sleep well in Hotels, even though the beds are oh so comfy!!  I guess it's just because I don't have any interruptions, so my mind can actually slow down  enough to focus on one thing at a time.  once I'm focused on something, it's hard to distract me.  Even if that means sleeping.  

So last night after my devotions, I started getting app happy.  Love freebies!  I came across (and downloaded) so many, I still haven't had a chance to really investigate them to the core.  I wanted to share with you some of the ones I love so far.

Path.  Its sort of Instagram meets Facebook meets Twitter.  I'm loving it, but it can get messy on my phone.  I really enjoy it more on my iPad.  Much cleaner, but still the phone version is very cool.  Check it out.

Iplan apps.  There's a lot of those.  I haven't gotten deep deep into them all yet, but I do have a journal entry from Iplanjournal QT.  I saw tonight where I could email the entries to myself, which is a plus.  

One I'm checking out right now is called JesusLife.  I can't even begin to explain that one to our just yet, but it looks amazing!

Think I'll get to that now.  

Blogging tomorrow.

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