My Bookshelf

This book was presented by someone I am following on Instagram.  They suggested a book club with whomever wanted to join.  I thought it'd be fun, so I joined.  I'm so glad I did.
I have a plethora of "self help" books in my collection.  They are all awesome and have those "ahhh" moments, but this would be an insult to call it an eye opener.  It's an insult to call it a "self help" book.  It's really not, actually. 
Ann Voskamp is an amazing author.  Amazing.  Sometimes I stumble for the dictionary, but that's quite fine with me.  She brings every single inanimate object to life and you can't help but form a moving picture in your head.  I'll never look at dishwater the same.  True!
I highly recommend this book.  Highly.  Go get it right now.  NOW!
You'll never be the same.

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