Saturday, December 1, 2012

Breaking Bad Habits - Spending Money - Part 1

I'm so thankful for Clayton's job.  We have moaned and groaned about it because it takes sacrifice and lots of it to be able to handle him being away for 6 months out of the year, every other month.  Moaned and groaned instead of being thankful for it.  He makes a great living for us.  By far we are not rich, but we have been able to go and blow without a second thought.  A lot.  It has formed a very terrible habit.  Blowing.  Exactly that.

It hasn't been until we fear for his job when we decide to get tight with finances.  It lasts for only a short time when we realize we are in the clear of him losing his job.  Then it's back to our old ways. 

We've often wondered how we made it back when our household income was less than $1000 a month with 6 littles running around and no help from the government.  It's then when I realized our wants weren't so grand, our greed not so intense.  Greed.  OUCH! 

Frugal living.  I want to get back to that.  We want to get back to that.  After all, that's when we were a closer knit family.  We had to entertain one another because that's all we had.  That's all we knew.  All the gadgets and gizmos we have acquired throughout the years only take up space and eat up family time like a blood thirsty vampire.   And I don't mean the sparkling kind.

It's pretty sad when you try to make out a Christmas list and even your 12 year old child has everything she could possible want.  It's like a relationship moving too fast.  Once you've done it all, what's there to look forward to?  My 15 year old is wanting a car.  She's 15.  She doesn't need a car right now.  She's not getting a car right now.  The fact that she even put that on her Christmas list and was serious about it shows she's spoiled beyond belief.  Sad.

I never pay attention to prices of groceries.  Never.  Today, I decided to.  I picked up a 5.5lb. package of ground chuck and looked at the price.  I seriously couldn't believe what I saw!  $18.98.  For ground beef?  That's $3.45 per pound!  I really honestly thought it was around $1.49 at the highest.  Do you realize how many times a whole package of that meat has been put in my freezer without dividing it, so when I go to cook it, I have to thaw the entire package?  How many times I have forgotten about the extra I didn't cook and it sat in my fridge until it ruined?  Do you realize?  Ugh, it sickens me!

So, on a positive note, I'm going to strive to live like we did back in the day.  The best I can. 

So far so good.  Except the groceries.  We went to Houston today  to take Morgan to the bus stop.  I avoided Hobby Lobby.  That took a bit of self discipline, though I know there's not one thing in that store I HAVE to have.  I bought a $4 journal for the book I'm reading from Office Max.  That was my splurge.  I spent close to $500 on groceries that won't even last the entire month.  I absolutely did not buy any junk food.  I refrained from the chocolate chip cookies.  I refrained from giving into the kids' "needs" for anything processed.  Yet, it didn't seem like I bought anything out of the ordinary.  Apparently we are huge eaters here.  That's what my jeans say anyway.

I'd like my wallet to be thicker than my gut, guys.

I'll be looking over our ignored budget tomorrow and getting back on track with it. 

So, that's it.  The two bad habits I'll be working on this month ~ NOT COOKING BREAKFAST and SPENDING MONEY. 

Wish me luck, pray for me, whatever you think will help.

Now, I must go turn off some lights in rooms not used at the moment.

Car.  Yeah, right.

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