Wednesday, November 21, 2012

In a nutshell

The beginning of a new era.  New beginnings.  New hopes, old dreams.  That's the place where we are.

My husband.  My kids.  My family.  Me.

Every little girl dreams of the perfect life.  The perfect wedding.  The perfect marriage.  The perfect kids.  The perfect home.

Does it ever turn out that way?  Sure.  Ok, maybe not perfect in the eyes of others, but perfect for the dreamer.

Sometimes it doesn't.  Probably more often than not.

I was that dreamer as a little girl.  I remember my sister and I having to not only share a bedroom, but a full size bed as well.  Even covers.  If we weren't fighting (I still have battle scars), we were dreaming into the future.  Oh the dreams we had!  Our husbands were the perfect business men all dressed in William Fioravanti suits.  We, as the perfect stay-at-home moms, drove a van and would shop on a daily basis for toys for our children, filling the vans to the brim.

I never gave it any thought why the husband in my dreams would wear a top of the line suit while I was driving a van.  That's just not right at all now is it?  Anyway, moving along...

Needless to say, those particular dreams didn't quite pan out the way we had planned.  From divorce to blended families, crabby new husbands and ungrateful kids, we both, my sister and I, have had to make due with what life dealt us.  Until now.

I will only speak from my own experiences.

I'm not going to elaborate on where I stood in the happiness department for the past 2 decades, but I will share this...

I was happy.  I was miserable.  Sometimes ecstatic.  Sometimes I had hit rock bottom emotionally.  I couldn't ever get on the same page my husband was on no matter how hard I tried.   I would want a change when he saw nothing wrong and vice versa.  Almost 20 years of this, give or take, and we had both hit rock bottom.  That's when the light finally started shining for us both to see.

We had finally gotten on the same page!!!  It was wonderful!  Like falling in love all over again and everything being as perfect as they should be.  The way we both wanted thing to be.

Our family has been through the ringer over the years but from what I know to be true, the only way to make it work is through prayer, perseverance, hope, faith, and of course, love.  If you have those things, anything is possible.  Perhaps even the William Fioravanti suit.  Though probably less likely the daily loading of brand new toys in your van.  ;).

Come along with us as we live our lives renewed.

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