Thursday, November 29, 2012

Breaking Bad Habits - Breakfast pt 1


I hardly EVER cook breakfast.  My kids are lucky to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and they prepare that themselves. A hot meal would be a batch of cinnamon rolls fresh out of the can.

I know.  Horrible.

Clayton has always been an "in the kitchen kinda guy".  He has spoiled me.  I should have looked at it the way it really was.  He was in the kitchen because he had to be in order to eat.  He has said he had to do that with his previous marriage and was just used to it.  I just thought he liked it. Maybe he does, but I'm pretty certain he'd like it even better to have someone else cook it.

Before I'm judged, let me explain my side of the story a bit...

After the birth of my first daughter, I began having symptoms of hypoglycemia.  Throughout the years,  it became harder and harder for me to function in the mornings.  I didn't know there was anything wrong with me and just figured I wasn't a morning person.  It wasn't until a decade later when said daughter had an episode of her own sugar bottoming out, that I realized what my problem was when I all but passed out on the kitchen floor before sending the kids off to school.   Clayton wound up being the breakfast cooker every morning while I wound up taking out the trash and mowing the lawn.  Roles reversed.

I haven't had any morning hypoglycemic fits in a long while.  Though, because not cooking it has become a habit, I still rarely cook it.

So, my first bad habit to mention and work on is not cooking breakfast.  I don't believe I'll start out with anything lavish, but even a bowl of oatmeal with toast far exceeds what my family is used to me doing in the mornings.

I'm thinking of making a breakfast menu for the week and gathering all my breakfast ideas into little kits in the fridge.  Other than that, I'm clueless.  What advice would you give me to help me on my monthly journey of breaking the habit of not cooking breakfast?

What's a bad habit you'd like to exchange for a good one?

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